
Showing posts from February, 2018

London vs Sydney

Expense London Sydney Monthly rent for an apartment in a normal area R34,040 R29,446 1 litre of petrol R22 R14 Bread for 2 people for 1 day R18 R28 Big Mac Meal R110 R113 Internet (Wifi) (1 month) R402 R574 1 pair of jeans (Levis or similar) R1,308 R1,137 Short visit to private doctor R1,359 R727 1 beer in a pub (500ml) R93 R84 Monthly public transport ticket R2,567 R1,685

American Revolution

The Stamp Act Congress met in New York in October 1765, as the Sons of Liberty, organized in the city, skirmished over the next ten years with British troops stationed there. The Battle of Long Island, the largest battle of the American Revolutionary War, was fought in August 1776 within the modern-day borough of Brooklyn. After the battle, in which the Americans were defeated, the British made the city their military and political base of operations in North America. The city was a haven for Loyalist refugees and escaped slaves who joined the British lines for freedom newly promised by the Crown for all fighters. As many as 10,000 escaped slaves crowded into the city during the British occupation. When the British forces evacuated at the close of the war in 1783, they transported 3,000 freedmen for resettlement in Nova Scotia. They resettled other freedmen in England and the Caribbean. The only attempt at a peaceful solution to the war took place at the Conference House on Sta

Life in Australia

Background Information about Australia: This information is intended for people who are applying for a visa to live in Australia, either permanently or on a temporary basis. It provides an overview of Australia, its history, way of life and the values we share. When applying for selected visas, applicants aged 18 years and over are required to sign an Australian Values Statement confirming they will respect Australian values and obey the laws of Australia. Australian values include:  respect for equal worth, and the dignity and freedom of the individual  freedom of speech  freedom of religion and secular government  freedom of association  support for parliamentary democracy and the rule of law  equality under the law  equality of men and women  equality of opportunity  peacefulness  a spirit of egalitarianism that embraces tolerance, mutual respect and compassion for those in need. These values may be expressed in different ways by different people whi

United State America

It is round about a half millennium before "Christopher Columbus" discovered America.There are many legends in America like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg and many others which are now in list of top richest people in the world.America is super power,It has world class army and atomic weapons.The present President of America is Donald Trump.America is one of the beautiful country in the world.In the field of Technology America is on top.There are amazing technologies.Some interesting news about America will post on this website daily.

Ukraine Updates

Our Love and Support for Ukraine: This is worse than a stalemate: for all the attempts to reach a settlement, Ukraine is still in real danger of slipping back into violence. The three-year-old ceasefire is already being violated almost daily. More than 2m people continue to suffer forced displacement within Ukraine and beyond the country’s borders, especially in Russia; the constitutional and institutional reform project supposed to resolve the country’s problems remains mired in a morass of corruption, poor transparency and popular disillusionment. To add to the complexity, the two sides in Ukraine are internally fragmented. The eastern separatists are not one uniform force, as became obvious in an abortive coupin Luhansk in November 2017. Nor do political elites in Kyiv see eye-to-eye on how to deal with the conflict. At the moment, those who want to cut off the two separatist-controlled and arguably Russian-occupied territories in eastern Ukraine seem to have the upper

C++ Projects Ideas

There are some projects of C++.You can download this through given link below.                                                                       Download Now

Whatsapp Updates

There will be new feature of Payment in Whatsapp.Whatsapp community testing this new feature now a days to implement this latest feature in Future.As you know Google play store has also launched new feautres of payment in google play store to buy ant app of you want.

Australian Economy Overview

Following two decades of continuous growth, low unemployment, contained inflation, very low public debt, and a strong and stable financial system, Australia enters 2018 facing a range of growth constraints, principally driven by the sharp fall in global prices of key export commodities. Demand for resources and energy from Asia and especially China has stalled and sharp drops in current prices have impacted growth. The services sector is the largest part of the Australian economy, accounting for about 70% of GDP and 75% of jobs. Australia was comparatively unaffected by the global financial crisis as the banking system has remained strong and inflation is under control. Australia benefited from a dramatic surge in its terms of trade in recent years, although this trend has reversed due to falling global commodity prices. Australia is a significant exporter of natural resources, energy, and food. Australia's abundant and diverse natural resources attract high levels of forei

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

J ohn Oliver  says President  Donald Trump  has failed at the one thing he’s supposed to be good at: salesmanship.  “ America’s reputation overseas is under attack from its own president, ” Oliver pointed out on Sunday’s broadcast of “ Last Week Tonight .”  So Oliver, who describes himself as an “immigrant who has fallen in love with this country,” delivered a message to the rest of the world.   “Donald Trump does not reflect America,” Oliver said, but with a disclaimer: “I mean, to be completely honest, he does reflect it a bit, but the point is America is not one thing

Switch Statement | C Programming Tutorials in Hindi/Urdu


Data Types & Variables | C++ 2nd Tutorial in Hindi/Urdu


C++ Programming Basics & Intro | 1st Tutorial in Hindi/Urdu


Google Chrome

Good news for Chrome users , Google Chrome launches a default Ad-Blocker from today (15-Feb-2018).Google updates its browser chrome from now it will blocks all annoying ads which shows on sites and some auto play annoying videos.

1st Tutorial

Basics Header Files : There are several header files. #include<iostream> is input output stream header files in which cout & cin functions are stored.I will discuss about more header files in my tutorials like #include<conio.h>, #include<math.h> etc. # means pre-process (process before compilation) headerfiles are always write on the top. Namespace std: We write "using namespace std;" to tells the compiler to use standard namespace.if you not write this after headerfiles then you will write it before every cout functions or some else.This saves our time if we write it after headerfiles.  Cout: cout is a function to display something on the black screen after debugging.syntax is  cout<<"Your Message";  Every thing in inverted commas be shown on black screen.if you just missed a ; there will be error.Variables will be discussed in our next lecture. Return 0: Return 0; terminates the main() function and causes it to

Currency Rate in Pakistan

Updated:     15-Feb-2018